
Home / Weight Loss Programs / Resources / Foods to Avoid

Tania Flack Naturopath

Foods to Avoid

Food Group Avoid
Grains All grains – amaranth, barley, corn, millet, oats, rice, rye, spelt, triticale, wheat. Pseudo grains – amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa. All grain products – bread, breadcrumbs, cakes, crackers, cous cous, biscuits, muffins, noodles, pasta, pastries, semolina
Flour substitutes Coconut flour, corn flour, rice flour, arrowroot flour and tapioca starch
Legumes All legumes – black bean, black-eyed peas, broad beans, cannellini beans, chick peas, fava beans, kidney beans, lentils, lima bean, mung bean, navy bean, split peas etc
Vegetables Potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, corn, taro, manioc, yam. All starchy vegetable products – vegetable chips or crisps (except kale chips), tapioca,
Fruit Bananas, canned fruits, dates, dried fruits, fruit concentrate, grapes, plantain, prunes, raisins, sultanas
Nuts and seeds Cashews, salted nuts
Food Group Avoid
Meats Processed meats such as sausages, salami, spam and sandwich meats. Meat loaf and rissoles served in restaurants may contain rice flour as a binder
Fish and seafood Processed or crumbled seafood such as fish nuggets, seafood extender, fish fingers, tinned tuna and salmon marinated in dressing (check labels for carbohydrate content)
Eggs and poultry Processed or crumbled poultry such as nuggets and sandwich meats
Vegetable oils Any oil that is not cold-pressed, sunflower, safflower and mixed vegetable oils
Food Group Avoid
Condiments and sauces Table salt, hummus, sauces and condiments with added sugars such as sweet chili, tomato, mint and BBQ sauce, store bought salad dressing, stir fry sauces and most commercially prepared dips
Beverages All alcohol, cordials, drinking chocolate, fruit juices, milk, sweetened coffee blends, soft drinks
Food Group Avoid
Dairy Custard, fruit cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt. All commercial processed milk substitutes, such as almond milk, oat milk, rice milk, soy milk. (Homemade almond milk is fine)
Soy foods Soy beans and all soy products
Sweeteners Agave, corn syrup, fructose, fruit concentrates, golden syrup, honey, maltose, molasses, rice malt syrup, sugar, syrup, xylitol. All artificial sweeteners
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