As a Naturopath I know from experience the top two things that people can do to improve their health now and help ensure good heath in the future is make sure they maintain a healthy weight and do a regular detox once a year.
It might seem that my posts of late are focused on weight related issues, but really Australia is in the grip of an obesity epidemic which is causing an enormous strain on our health care system. In fact recent research has found that obesity has overtaken smoking as the leading cause of premature death and illness in Australia which makes it the biggest public health challenge we have to face as a nation.
According to NSW health the cost of obesity in NSW alone was 19 billion dollars in 2008.
Recent figures in from Western Australia, which are expected to be mirrored around the country, have shown that the weight related contribution to ill health has more than doubled in 6 years, overtaking smoking as a leading cause of ill health and premature death.
While Kevin Rudd continues to push for hospital reform, many are saying that there is not enough focus on preventative health care. The Sydney Morning Herald have reported today that Ian Olver, the chairman of the Australia Chronic Diseases Alliance, has criticized the governments lack of action on the task force’s recommendations last year.
The good news is that Nicola Roxon has stated that the government will invest $892 million on preventative health care.
So that’s what happening on a public level, but staying healthy is really an individuals responsibility, especially when it comes to weight management. There is no magic pill that will ensure you lose weight and keep it off, the only way to do this is to have a healthy diet that provides you with all your nutritional needs without the excess calories and ensure you have an active lifestyle with regular moderate exercise.
Here’s what you can do to help achieve a healthy weight
- Eat a healthy, well balanced diet If you’re not sure what that is exactly get some advice, it’s no use relying on the marketing from food companies for your nutritional education. If you think you have a healthy diet but are having trouble with your weight, why don’t you try this simple exercise – write down everything you eat and drink in the course of a week, and then compare it to the recommendations below.
At least 5 serves of fresh vegetables per day, try having two serves at lunch and three at dinner, this is a great habit to get into. Or even better, try to make sure that half your plate is filled with vegetables at lunch and dinner
- Have two pieces of fruit per day – choose low glycaemic fruits such as strawberries, peaches, apples and apricots.
- Have a good quality source of lean protein with each meal, this may be eggs, fish, chicken or red meat. If you are a vegetarian it’s particularly important to make sure you get enough protein, try mixing nuts, seeds, grains and legumes to get you full compliment of amino acids.
- Healthy oils should be added to the diet such as cold pressed olive oil and vegetable oils, nuts and seeds and fresh oily fish.
- Grains and legumes in moderation, try to avoid anything that is too processed
- Alcohol
- Sugar
- Excess caffeine – this has an effect on insulin levels in high amounts
- Soft drinks, cordial, energy drinks
- Refined foods, anything that comes out of a packet really, when you make it yourself you know exactly what goes into your food
- Fried foods
- White bread, biscuits, muffins, cakes, crackers, pasta, noodles and rice
Stay active
You don’t necessarily have to join a gym, or take up an organized sport, although those things do help. Brisk walking for half and hour each day is low impact and will really help to keep you healthy and keep those extra kilos off.
Get some professional advice If you have tried everything and never quite seem to be able to get to a healthy weight get some professional advice. You may be surprised to see that what you think is a healthy diet may actually contain lots of hidden calories, fat and salt. Often just making a few simple changes to your diet can make a big difference. It is also a good opportunity to discuss your general health and make sure metabolic or digestive problems aren’t contributing to your weight gain.
If you are interested in reaching a healthy weight and staying that way and would like some advice on how to do this, we can help you. Contact the clinic today to make an appointment.