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Tania Flack Naturopath

Oestrogen Metabolism Testing

Healthy-women-e14225993731482-4-16 Urinary Oestrogen Metabolism

This test monitors oestrogen metabolism in both women and men and may be of great importance in determining who may be at increased risk of hormone imbalance.


High levels of circulating oestrogen contributes to hormonally induced proliferative disorders, such as fibroids, uterine polyps, fibrocystic breast disease and prostate problems; it is also linked to oestrogen dependant cancers such as breast and prostate cancer.


Oestrogen is metabolised via different pathways, the first – 2-hydroxyoestrone is considered protective, whilst the second – 16-hydroxyoestrone is more potent and linked to proliferative disorders and disease states. This test identifies which is your dominant pathway and allows us to ensure that the correct ratio between the two pathways is maintained helping you to enjoy optimal hormonal health.