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Tania Flack Naturopath

Weight Loss Program


DNADNA Testing

DNA testing is our gold standard test when it comes to weight management. This allows us to assess what type of gene polymorphisms you may have that are important to weight management such as FTO and PPARγ. We will be able to use that information to individually tailor your weight loss program to you get the best results.

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Urinary Indicans Testing

The research being released on the effects of normal gut microflora on weight, inflammation, detoxification, the immune system and a range of other health conditions is staggering. This emerging field of medicine is highlighting the importance of having a healthy balance of gut bacteria to promote weight management.

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Hemaview takes a sample of blood from the tip of your finger and examines it under a microscope. We do this to screen the blood for low-grade inflammation. Much like Urinary indicans testing we strive to identify and treat any causes of low-grade inflammation prior to you starting the Keto Program as this causes disruption to your fluid balance and may be masking an underlying cause of weight gain.

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Basal Metabolic Temperature Charting

People can often present with a sub-optimal thyroid function as a cause for weight gain. Frustratingly, thyroid levels can hover in ‘no mans land’ not quite bad enough to treat but not really normal either, for a long-time, all the while disrupting metabolism.

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Thyroid Tests

For those people with a history of thyroid disruption we may refer for pathology so we have a clear baseline. Any thyroid disruption will affect weight and metabolism, identifying it early can save a lot of time and frustration in the long run.

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Cortisol testCortisol Testing

Stress causes significant negative effects on the body. The adrenal gland produces a hormone called cortisol which is designed to help get us out of a crisis, under conditions of chronic low-grade stress elevated cortisol can lead to weight gain, particularly visceral fat around the middle.

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Hormone TestSalivary Hormone Testing

Another reason for unexplained weight gain in women can be polycystic ovarian syndrome. While PCOS sounds like a condition affecting the ovaries, don’t be fooled, it is an endocrine disorder that affects several different systems.

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