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The research being released on the effects of normal gut microflora on weight, inflammation, detoxification, the immune system and a range of other health conditions is staggering. This emerging field of medicine is highlighting the importance of having a healthy balance of gut bacteria to promote weight management.
We are all basically a boarding house for trillions of bacterial cells, of which most live in the digestive tract. It is estimated that every adult has between 2-3 kilograms of gut bacteria. These bacteria are tiny chemical engines that give off byproducts of their own energy metabolism into our system. We have evolved with these colonies and they are essential to our good health, however when they get out of balance they can cause low-grade inflammation and toxicity and are strongly linked to weight retention, obesity and type II diabetes. ‘Bad’ bacteria love a party and thrive on a highly refined carbohydrate diet. They love nothing better than alcohol and sugar. ‘Good’ bacteria on the other hand thrive on fibres from vegetables and legumes.
At your initial appointment we will have performed a urinary indicans test. This measures the level of chemical given off by gut bacteria, which passes into the blood stream and is excreted via the kidneys. If you had a strong result with this test it is likely that we will have treated this first with a course of anti-microbial herbal medicine and a colostrum formula over a period of ten days. The reason we do this at the start of your program is that the research strongly suggests that dysbiosis (or an overgrowth of bad bacteria) contributes to weight retention. We also know that it is one of the most common causes of low-grade inflammation, which in turn causes disruption to fluid balance and your ability to detoxify.
The good news is that if you have already had this treated you are on the path to sustainable, achievable healthy weight loss. We have set you up for success, not failure.